
  • What countries does Suumee ship to?

Suumee can ship worldwide! All products can ship to United States, and many brands can ship to the majority of the world’s countries.

  • How long will shipping take?

 We will try our best to fast deliver your order. Normally USA buyers will receive order in 7-14 business days. Other countries buyers will take a shorter or longer time to get their orders, and it depends on how far away their countries from our brands’ locations.

  • Where does my order ship from?

Generally, most orders will ship from Asia or the United States.

  • How can I track my order?

If you want to check the status or shipping ETA of your order, you can find this information on your Order Details page. Go to your Order History page and then tapping on Track Package under the appropriate order.

If there is a tracking ID available, your tracking page will show the order’s estimated date of arrival, its tracking history, the tracking ID, and a link to the carrier’s site. If there is no tracking ID available, your tracking page will show a limited tracking history and an estimated date of arrival.

If you have any further questions about the status or shipping ETA of your order, you can contact Suumee customer service.

  1. Find “Contact Us” on the footer.
  2. Describe your issue/query and send us email.

This will send your question to Suumee customer service, and they will be able to respond to you within a few business days.

Forms of Payment

  • What payment methods does Suumee accept?

To complete your order, we accept any credit card and PayPal currently. We cannot accept cash, payment on delivery or bank transfer. Please note that the list of available payment methods may change depending on which country you are in and what platform you are using.

  • Does Suumee charge for customs, taxes, VAT, or any other extra fees?

Suumee only charges for purchase price and shipping rate. We do not collect any payment for customs, taxes, VAT, or any other fees. We cannot say for certain whether your local post will charge you for the products you order. Please contact your postal service for most information on any extra fees.

About Returns & Refunds

  • How do I cancel my order?

If you have to cancel your order, you can cancel any items that haven’t been shipped yet by sending email with “Cancel Order” subject to . You should include your order number and products title and link. We should be able to respond within 1-2 days.

  • I cancelled an order. How do I receive a refund? 

Suumee will refund to the original payment method you used for your order. If you paid by credit or debit card, the amount you paid will be refunded directly to your card. Please allow 5-7 days for the issuing bank to process the refund for your card account.

If your card was canceled or has expired, please contact your bank to inform them of the incoming refund and provide the necessary information to re-route the payment to your new card or bank. If only your card number or expiration date has changed, your bank should be able to handle this internally.

If you paid with a prepaid card, most issuers are able to process your refund back to the original card. Even if the original card is missing, the issuer may be able to create a new card linked to the same account if you have retained your card number and receipts (you may use Suumee’s email confirmations as your receipts). Please contact your card issuer for more information.

If you paid by PayPal, the amount you paid will be refunded to the PayPal account you used within 3 days. You can login to your PayPal account to claim the refund if it is not routed to your funding method automatically.

Please note that Suumee can only refund your money to your original payment method and we are unable to issue refunds to a different card, different accounts, or different payment method such as by check.

  • How do I return or exchange a product?

We want you to be entirely satisfied with the products you purchase on Suumee. To return or exchange a product, please send a email to We should be able to respond within 1-2 days.

  • What do I do if my product is defective or wrong in some way?

We want you to love the products you receive from Suumee. We are very sorry that your order did not meet your expectations. If you received the wrong product or the product you received was not as described, you can contact our customer service team directly to resolve the issue.

We should be able to respond within 1-2 days.